Project Value
5170m2Site Area
Minor Works Stage 1
This project involved two very different components of work in separate sections of the Tyndale Christian School campus. The first component involved an expansion of the Middle School’s existing student drop off zones, the addition of extra car parking facilities and the installation of the infrastructure required for future classroom expansion. The second component was the installation of a new passenger lift within the Senior School Campus.
This project was undertaken around the schools daily operations, which included student drop off and pick up times, parking and deliveries. The carpark works were predominantly civil based, and included base preparation, kerbing, asphalt, street lighting and landscaping. The stormwater design and services upgrade proved challenging due to existing fibre optic mains concealed underground in the active works area.
Located on the opposite side of the school grounds, the second component to retro-fit a new passenger lift within an existing Senior School building was an interesting addition. The building that the passenger lift was constructed within was adjacent three other existing building’s, all of which were required to remain operational & accessible during the construction phase.
Robust coordination & collaboration between the architects, Pascale Project Team, lift supplier and structural engineer was necessary to ensure that the desired result for the client was ultimately achieved.